
Best Buy 170 AMP Mig Mag FLUX Welder Welding Machine - 130 Shop

170 AMP Mig Mag FLUX Welder Welding Machine - 130

170 AMP Mig Mag FLUX Welder Welding Machine - 130
Technical Specifications:*Maximum Output Amperage 170*Maximum Recommended Thickness 1/4"-5/16"*Heat Settings 10*Duty Cycle 15% @ 170 amps*35% @ 50amps*Circuit Breaker Protection Yes*Cooling Forced Air*Wire Size .023"-.035"*Input Voltage 220V (single phrase)

170 AMP Mig Mag FLUX Welder Welding Machine - 130

  • 170 AMP MIG Welder
  • 1.Single-Phase,DC,Portable,Fan-Cooled,Thermostatic Protection
  • 2.Suit with Flux (no gas) welding wire and with Gas MIG/MAG welding wire.
  • Flux welding accessories INCLUDED: MIG Torch, Earth Clamp, Welding Cable, Brush/Hammer, Mask
  • Quantity: 1; Over All Dim: 25" x 12" x 18"

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