
you looking for low price Millermatic 180 Auto-Set?

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Millermatic 180 Auto-Set Features

  • MIG Welding Machine

Millermatic 180 Auto-Set Overview

Millermatic(r) 180 Auto-Set MIG Welder 907312 The Millermatic(r) 180 Auto-Set is an all-in-one wire welding package that welds 24 gauge to 5/16 in (0.8 - 7.9 mm) mild steel. This compact, portable MIG welder delivers a maximum output of 180 amps and is ideal for maintenance, auto body and fabrication projects. The Millermatic(r) 180 is easy to use and move. Applications/Processes Light Industrial Applications Light Fabrication Maintenance and Repair Auto Body Farm and Ranch Home Flux Cored (FCAW) (gas and self-shielded) MIG (GMAW) Features: Auto-Set is a breakthrough control that automatically sets your welder to the proper parameters. Auto-Set offers all-in-one MIG, minus the guesswork! Smooth-Start patent-pending technology provides a smooth, spatterfree start. It's the best-starting machine in the small MIG machine category. No pop gun starts and no spatter to clean [else][endif] [if
  • MIG Welding Machine

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