
you looking for low priced MIG 100 Flux Wire Welder?

Best Buy MIG 100 Flux Wire Welder Online Shop

before decision to buy, I searches on online so long time. So I gathered a web store that sells MIG 100 Flux Wire Welder and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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MIG 100 Flux Wire Welder Features

  • ETL approved flux wire welder
  • Adjustable positions and cycles
  • Comes with two pounds of flux wire and more

MIG 100 Flux Wire Welder Overview

90 Amp Flux wire, 120Volt / 60Hz, ETL approved. No Load Voltage: 31 Volt, adjustment positions: 2 steps. Range of current 50 to 80 Amp. Duty cycle: 15% at 80A, 20% at 65A. Rated duty cycle: 10% at 90amps. Insulation Class: F, welding wire size is 035 to 040 inches. Includes: Welding torch, tip, grounding cord with clamp Brush / hammer, Face shield, Flux cored wire .030 inch (2 pounds). [else][endif] [if
  • ETL approved flux wire welder
  • Adjustable positions and cycles
  • Comes with two pounds of flux wire and more

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