
Cheap Forney Industries 42287 Mig Wire Online

Forney Industries 42287 Mig Wire

Forney Industries 42287 Mig Wire
Forged mild steel solid wire on 2 lb. and 10 lb. spools. Provides the smooth clean surface needed for steady, efficient wire feed and features minimal spatter and easy slag removal. No. 42290: 2 lb.,.023 70S 6 (ASW classification) No. 42285: 10 lb.,.023

Forney Industries 42287 Mig Wire

  • E-70, S-6 mild steel mig wire
  • Ideal for automobile body repair
  • Works well over rust and scale, high strength and better deoxidation, low spatter
  • polybag
  • .035 Diameter

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